IndieWeb Create Day
Join us in the IndieWeb chat and in our Zoom room. Share ideas, create & improve our personal websites, and build upon each other's creations. Whether you’re a creator, writer, blogger, coder, designer, or just someone who wants to improve their presence on the web, all skill and experience levels welcome. Breakout rooms available for those who want to collaborate on the same topic.
All text-based chatting is done in the Indieweb chat. Feel free to join us there to get realtime updates and conversation during the event. There are many ways to join. Click here to pick one.
Put projects you are planning/working on in the Etherpad at https://etherpad.indieweb.org/IWCCreateDay-2022-03-05.
Organizer of the Zoom: David Shanske
We will open the Zoom at 9AM Pacific Time, or earlier for anyone who wishes it on another timezone. At 9AM, we will have Intros and optionally Site Demos, and ask people to share what they want to work on with those in attendance before we get down to work.
Noon-1PM Pacific - Bring Your Own Lunch and Touch Base with the Other Attendees
4PM-5PM - Optionally Demo What You Built
After that, there is no expectation that you stay the whole day...pop in and out as you wish.
Blog Posts
IndieWeb: Distributed Libraries Event
by Horst Gutmann on Feb 20, 2022
I’m RSVPing to IndieWeb Create Day on March 5, 2022. This might show up as a yes but it’s actually a maybe.