Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham (Hacktoberfest edition)
As the month of October is a month-long celebration of GitHub-hosted Free and Open Source projects known as Hacktoberfest, Homebrew Website Club Nottingham will be run as a Hacktoberfest-themed event.
Does my Hacktoberfest have to be Homebrew Related?
No! It doesn't need to be even tangentially related to Homebrew Website Club, nor the IndieWeb. I want to use Homebrew, as an event that I organise, as a way to make a space for others to come and contribute. I realise not everyone attending will be coming with a website, or necessarily an interest in the IndieWeb - and that's completely OK! I would rather have folks coming with a space to work alongside others, and if anyone does work on these technologies, that's a bonus.
The format of the event will be similar to Homebrew Website Club Nottingham but will be more open for chatter and asking of questions to other attendees.
1730-1735: đź‘‹ Event start
A few words to say welcome, and explain the format for everyone.
1735-1745: Intro to Hacktoberfest and Free and Open Source Software
We'll also talk through what we're planning on doing for the session.
1745-1750: Project ideas
This is a chance to go around the room and see if anyone has anything they're planning on working on, or if you can get any ideas for what to work on.
1750-1900:👩‍💻 Social / co-working time
Time to work on the contribution you're hoping to make, with the chance to chat with other attendees as you're going.
1900-1905: 📸 Photo Time!
It's nice to get a photo of the attendees (for posterity) - you'll be given a few minutes to get your video on and ready if you want to participate, or turn your camera off if not.
1905-1930: đź“ş Demos
If you're in a position to share what you've worked on - even if it's not fully ready - it's great to share what you've done!
1930: đź‘‹ Event end
A few closing remarks, and talking about when the next event will be.
Sorry, only just seen this. As mentioned on the event, link is available for members of the Tech Nottingham Slack
Reminder that it's a #Hacktoberfest themed #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham tomorrow! I hope to see you there at 1730 for some #FreeSoftware and #OpenSource work! https://events.indieweb.org/2020/10/homebrew-website-club-nottingham-hacktoberfest-edition--UHGfScpJfzyp