IndieWebCamp West 2020

June 27 - 28, 2020

Two days meeting up online to share ideas, create & improve personal websites, and build upon each other's creations. Whether you’re a creator, writer, blogger, coder, designer, or just someone who wants to improve their presence on the web, there is something for you here. All skill and experience levels welcome.

In respect to the current global pandemic, IndieWebCamp West is being planned as an entirely online event, centered in the Pacific(GMT-8) timezone, but welcomes people from around the world.

We are asking everyone to register(free) so we have an idea as to attendance.

Visit the IndieWebCamp West wiki page for a detailed schedule and Zoom links.

Friday Pre-Party 20:00-22:00 The night before camp, we're continuing our tradition of a pre-camp dinner...except we will be eating together apart. So, set a place setting in front of your webcam and join us for some distance socializing.

Saturday: Intro and Sessions 09:00-18:00 - Day 1 is an introduction to the IndieWeb and discussions in a BarCamp-like environment. Bring a topic you'd like to discuss or join in on topics as they are added to the board.

Sunday: Hack Day - 9:30-18:00 Day 2 is about creating or making things for our websites! Direct your inspiration from what we discussed on day 1 into something on your site. Collaborate with others or work on your own. We'll have demos at the end of the day to see what everyone worked on!

Never been to a camp before and have questions? Join our (optional) short IndieWebCamp preparation session on June 22nd.
